Riley Heating & Cooling: 5 DIY Tips for Heating and Cooling Repair

As a homeowner, the last thing you want to worry about is how to fix a broken heater or air conditioner. Many of us turn to a professional HVAC technician when faced with furnace repair Elmhurst, IL & Westchester, IL, heating service Forest Park, IL & Elmwood Park, IL, HVAC service Oak Park, IL, AC service & AC installation River Forest, IL, or any other home comfort problem. However, there are some simple DIY tips that you can use to reduce your repair costs and keep your home comfortable throughout the year.

Here are 5 DIY tips from Riley Heating & Cooling for heating and cooling repair:

1. Check the air filter. A clogged air filter can cause your air conditioner to run inefficiently, resulting in higher energy bills and poor air quality. Make sure to regularly replace your air filter every three months.

2. Check for leaks. Leaks can lead to high energy bills and poor air quality. Make sure to regularly inspect your HVAC system for leaks and make any necessary repairs immediately.

3. Clean your air ducts. Cleaning your air ducts regularly will ensure that your HVAC system is running more efficiently and can help prevent the need for expensive repairs down the line.

4. Inspect your thermostat. A faulty thermostat can lead to high energy bills and poor air quality. Make sure to inspect your thermostat regularly and make any necessary repairs or replacements.

5. Take advantage of maintenance plans. Maintenance plans can help prevent expensive repairs in the future. Make sure to sign up for a regular maintenance plan with Riley Heating & Cooling to ensure that your HVAC system is running at optimal efficiency.

If you’re faced with a heating or cooling system that needs repairs, make sure to follow these DIY tips from Riley Heating & Cooling to reduce the cost of repairs and keep your home comfortable throughout the year. For more home maintenance tips, check out Energy Star.