Daily Grind at Guardian Heating and Cooling

It’s another bustling day at Guardian Heating & Cooling. As an HVAC technician, my mornings start bright and early, ensuring my van is stocked with all the necessary tools and equipment for the day’s jobs.

First Stop: HVAC Installation

The first appointment is a new HVAC installation for a growing family in Lincoln Park. Upon arrival, I carefully assess the home’s layout and existing ductwork, making precise measurements to ensure a seamless installation process.

  1. Remove the old system
  2. Install the new high-efficiency furnace and air conditioner
  3. Connect the ductwork and electrical components
  4. Program the thermostat for optimal comfort and energy savings

After a thorough inspection and testing, I walk the homeowners through the system’s features, answering any questions they may have.

Lunchtime Pit Stop

With the morning job complete, I grab a quick bite to eat and catch up on any pending paperwork or schedules for the afternoon.

Afternoon Appointment: AC Repair

The next stop is in Skokie, where a customer has reported issues with their air conditioning unit. Upon arrival, I quickly diagnose the problem as a refrigerant leak. With the customer’s approval, I proceed to:

  • Locate and repair the leak
  • Evacuate the system
  • Recharge the unit with the appropriate refrigerant levels

After testing the system and ensuring proper operation, I provide the customer with maintenance tips to help extend the life of their AC unit.

Evening Wrap-Up

As the day winds down, I head back to the office to stock up on any needed supplies, complete paperwork, and prepare for the next day’s challenges. Being an HVAC technician at Guardian Heating & Cooling is rewarding, knowing that I’ve helped improve the comfort and air quality for families throughout the Chicago area.