A Day in the HVAC Trenches: Life at Turner & Schoel

Rise and Shine: The Early Bird Gets the Cool Air

My day at Turner & Schoel begins bright and early at 6:30 AM. As a heating and cooling specialist in Northport, I know that every minute counts when it comes to keeping our clients comfortable.

7:30 AM: Team Huddle

We gather for our morning briefing, where we discuss the day’s assignments and any urgent service calls. Today, we’re focusing on:

  • A commercial HVAC installation at a new office complex
  • Routine maintenance for several residential clients
  • An emergency repair for a restaurant with a malfunctioning cooling system

9:00 AM: On the Road

My first stop is the office complex. As I drive through Northport, I can’t help but appreciate how our work impacts the entire community. From homes to businesses, we’re the unseen heroes keeping everyone comfortable.

12:30 PM: Lunch Break and Customer Care

Between bites of my sandwich, I return calls to schedule future appointments. At Turner & Schoel, we pride ourselves on responsive customer service.

2:00 PM: Residential Rounds

The afternoon is dedicated to home visits. I perform maintenance checks, replace filters, and educate homeowners on energy-efficient practices.

5:30 PM: Emergency Call

Just as I’m wrapping up, we get an urgent call from the restaurant. I head over to diagnose and repair their system, ensuring their dinner service can proceed without a hitch.

7:00 PM: Day’s End

As I drive home, I reflect on another fulfilling day of providing professional heating and cooling solutions. At Turner & Schoel, we’re not just fixing machines; we’re ensuring comfort and peace of mind for our Northport neighbors.