A Day in the HVAC Trenches: Life at Turner & Schoel

Morning Hustle: Gearing Up for the Day

As the sun rises over Northport, I start my day at Turner & Schoel, ready to tackle whatever heating and cooling challenges come our way. After a quick team meeting to discuss the day’s schedule, I load up the van with tools and parts, preparing for our first call.

On the Road: Serving Our Community

Our first stop is a residential home experiencing issues with their AC unit. As we arrive, I’m reminded of why I love working for Turner & Schoel – the opportunity to help our neighbors stay comfortable in their homes. After diagnosing and fixing the problem, we’re off to our next appointment.

Midday: Commercial HVAC Maintenance

Lunchtime rolls around, but there’s no time to rest. We head to a local business for a routine maintenance check on their heating system. It’s crucial to keep these systems in top shape to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency.

Afternoon: Emergency Call and Team Collaboration

Just as we finish up the maintenance job, we receive an emergency call from a customer with a malfunctioning furnace. At Turner & Schoel, we pride ourselves on our quick response times, so we immediately head out to address the issue.

Problem-Solving in Action

Upon arriving, we discover a complex problem that requires some creative thinking. I collaborate with my team members, drawing on our collective expertise to devise a solution. It’s moments like these that remind me why I chose a career in professional heating and cooling solutions.

Wrapping Up: Reflection and Preparation

As the workday comes to a close, we return to the office to complete paperwork and debrief on the day’s events. We also take this time to prepare for tomorrow, ensuring we’re ready to provide top-notch service to our Northport community.

Working at Turner & Schoel isn’t just a job – it’s a commitment to excellence in heating and cooling solutions. Each day brings new challenges and opportunities to grow, both personally and professionally. I’m proud to be part of a team that keeps Northport comfortable, one HVAC system at a time.